seo tools Generate Schema file Structured Data
seo tools
The most important free tool that helps in seo
Generate Schema file for rich snippets
Often we talked about the rich snippets in SEO.. how to work breadcrumbs and also bread crumbs and many of these extracts.
We add a gadget that will help us today to generate HTML files containing coordinator extract the information that we want and that we want and these extracts can be used anywhere we want, whether or plain programming code.
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If you're a WordPress bloggers can use Add ready from here.
Structured Data Testing Tool
After doing generates the rich snippets in the previous tool we have to do preview it directly on our website and how it will appear in the Google search engine.
Google allows us to preview the rich snippets through this its tool, which gives the possibility to discover and correct errors if any. generating site map (free limit of 500 pages)
New sites that rely on HTML or any other programming language, will be an urgent need to develop a site map (Sitemap) It serves as a guide for archiving spiders to navigate the site.
Had reached the site map to search engines pages on your site were not previously had visited Hence the importance of this tool
This tool helps to build a site map of the 500 free link. But in case you are using a notation word press platform you can use ready additions to generate a site map.
Site Map is checked immediately added to the Webmaster Tools from Google.
Site analysis Condor Tool (limit 200 pages)
The perfect tool for marketers and SEO experts working this tool to analyze web pages and also the internal correlation analysis in these pages, which gives the researcher the possibility of a study on the nature of the site link pages
In addition to many other features found within the report on this site.
It gives the site limit of 200 pages at each site and the total sites_
You need to register on the site to start using this free service_
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